bombay high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The objection raised was on the ground that, although the applicants and respondent 2 formed a partnership to enter into the investment agreement with respondent 1, the notice invoking arbitration was issued only on behalf of the applicants and that respondent 2, despite being a partner, did not join in issuing the invocation notice.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“As per Clause 31.16 of Letter of Intent between parties, place of arbitration was Faridabad (Haryana), which will be chosen as the seat, since seat has not been separately named and there are no other contrary indicia to show that place of arbitration is not intended to be seat of arbitration.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

While exercising the power conferred by Section 11 of the Act, the Court ceases to be a Court of Record and the review or reopening of proceedings which is sought is not with respect to any power exercised by the Court under Section 11 on merits but on account of the evident factual mistake in that order.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Detailed arguments on whether an agreement which contains an arbitration clause has or has not been novated cannot possibly be decided in exercise of a limited prima facie review as to whether an arbitration agreement exists between the parties.”

Case BriefsSupreme Court

3 years is an unduly long period for filing an application under Section 11, since it would defeat the very object of the Act, which provides for expeditious resolution of commercial disputes within a time bound period.