Does framing of charge means that accused is guilty or does it imply that accused may be guilty? Del HC elaborates
Delhi High Court: Expressing that, the revisional jurisdiction is not meant to test the waters of what might happen in the trial,
Delhi High Court: Expressing that, the revisional jurisdiction is not meant to test the waters of what might happen in the trial,
Delhi High Court: While expressing the object of PMLA Act Chandra Dhari Singh, J., expressed that, offence of money laundering is threefold
Delhi High Court: Subramonium Prasad, J., while addressing the present revision petition expressed that: “A court in revision considers the material only
Karnataka High Court: John Michael Cunha J., while rejecting the present criminal revision petition, elaborated on scope and ambit of Section 397
Allahabad High Court: Dr Kaushal Jayendra Thaker, J., addressed a matter with regard to the settlement of divorce proceedings. Parties in the present
Supreme Court: In a matter where the Gujarat High Court had set aside the order passed by a Chief Judicial Magistrate who