karnataka high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Taking note of the procedure and trauma involved for sexual assault victims and their families, the High Court issued these directions to ensure timely detection of pregnancies and a proper counselling regarding the victim’s physical and mental health.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Ironically, the concerned SHO in his report on one hand mentions that the petitioner’s behaviour is satisfactory, but in the same breadth, also mentions that he can have adverse impact on law, order and security in the area, without assigning any reasons.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

While considering matters involving sexual offences, a Court must be mindful that the incidents of sexual violence have adverse effects on the overall growth and development of the said human being, thus it is in the interest of justice and society at large that proceedings are handled with due care and precaution, especially when the Court is dealing with an application for releasing the accused on bail.