social media content moderation scotus
Case BriefsForeign Courts

The Court found that the respondents could not establish locus standi to seek any injunction against the impugned communications vis-a-vis content moderation by social media to suppress misleading information especially related to Covid-19 and 2020 Presidential Elections.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The present suit relates to the idea of a storytelling platform, there can be no monopoly over the running of such a platform. However, all such platforms that share stories about various individuals/subjects would be attaching/incorporating their own creative ways to communicate and disseminate the said stories, which constitute the expression. Such expression is protectable under Copyright law.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In a case of consensual adolescent mutual love, there will be no place of abusing, blackmailing, inducement, threat, violence, pressurizing and threatening the prosecutrix to convert her religion for forcibly getting married even when she wanted to get out of the abusive relationship.