Call for Papers | NLSIU’s Socio-Legal Review (SLR) Journal [Volume 21(1)]
NLSIU’s Socio-Legal Review (SLR) Journal is currently inviting submissions for Volume 21(1) of the Journal
NLSIU’s Socio-Legal Review (SLR) Journal is currently inviting submissions for Volume 21(1) of the Journal
Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual journal that encourages interdisciplinary research at the intersection of law and social sciences. We are
Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a bi-annual, open access, student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal run by the students of National Law School of India
Contents Articles The Supreme Court Collegium and Transparency: A Non-Committal Relationship 1 —Rangin Pallav Tripathy Experiences of Dispute Resolution in Non-Court Forums: