Special Leave Petition

2024 SCC Vol. 9 Part 3
Arbitration Act, 1940 — S. 29 — Interest on interest or compound interest: Post award interest on interest awarded is not grantable

‘Filing petition without petitioner’s knowledge is a fraud on court’; SC directs CBI probe
“There is a great sanctity attached to the proceedings conducted in the Court. No professional much less legal professional, is immune from being prosecuted for his/her criminal misdeeds.”

SC seeks explanation from Notary & Registry over alleged attestation of fake signatures and inclusion of names of non-appeared advocates
The case of fake signatures came before the Court, when the petitioner approached the Court in person, stating that he did not know either of the Advocates who were appearing on his behalf and that he came to know of the SLP filed in his name, when the Police Station served notice upon him.

SC issues notice on tenant’s plea concerning his right to receive notice of demolition u/S. 400 of KMC Act after regularisation; Stay on demolition continues
Supreme Court initially took up this matter on 6-08-2024 and stayed the demolition of the subject premises of petitioner till 9-08-2024.

Proof of application for Certified Copy from HC must while seeking exemption in filing Certified Copy of Judgment with SLP: Supreme Court
The Supreme Court issued practice direction to be followed by all litigants who propose to file special leave petitions both in civil and criminal matters with effect from 20-08-2024.

A policy circular doesn’t serve as arbitration clause without explicit consent: Calcutta High Court
In the facts of this case, there is no reference to the Circular whereby the arbitration clause has been incorporated in the contract between the parties. It is true that the policy decision in terms of the Circular is to make arbitration a mechanism for dispute resolution both in cases of existing and future contracts.

Filing SLP to challenge dismissal of criminal appeal is crucial right of convict; Delhi High Court grants four-weeks parole to convict for filing SLP
“Except the two incidents wherein punishment was awarded to the petitioner, the nominal roll does not find mention of any misconduct on the part of the petitioner, after May, 2017 till date i.e. for the last more than six years.”

Opening the SLP Floodgates Impacts Access to Justice
by Murali Neelakantan* and Gautam Narayan**
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 81

Decoding Supreme Court’s Listing Process
by Anuja Pethia†

Consumer Dispute| Supreme Court explains the scope of maintainability of SLP under Art 136 against NCDRC orders
The Court explained that the power to special leave is an exceptional and overriding power, naturally it must be exercised sparingly and with caution and only in very exceptional situations. It will only be used to advance the cause of justice and its exercise will be governed by well-established principles.

POCSO| Supreme Court grants pre-arrest bail to a public servant accused of rape
The accused had argued that the complainant and her family, out of ill will, had orchestrated the complaint and were extorting the petitioner for their own means and benefits. Rajasthan High Court, however, did not appreciate the fact that the previous complaints filed by the prosecutrix was closed on account of being frivolous and a closure report was also filed in the matter.

Supreme Court observes documents relied upon for formation of opinion under Rule 3 of the SEBI Adjudication Rules 1995, not required to be disclosed to the noticee unless relied upon in the inquiry
Supreme Court: In a special leave petition against the impugned judgment passed by the Bombay High Court, whereby, the Court dismissed the

Supreme Court| Non-disclosure of assets in the municipal elections would also amount to ‘undue influence’ and consequently to ‘corrupt practice’
Supreme Court: In a Special leave petition under Article 136 of the Constitution against a judgment passed by the High

Mutation entry doesn’t confer any right, title or interest in favour of person and the objective is only for fiscal purpose: Supreme Court
Supreme Court of India: Observing the well-settled position of law that, Mutation Entry does not confer any right, title or interest in

Special Leave under Article 136 of the Constitution and keeping the question of law open
by Dormaan Jamshid Dalal*

Is SLP against an order rejecting the review petition maintainable when main judgment is not under challenge? SC answers
Supreme Court: The 3-judge bench Ashok Bhushan, R. Subhash Reddy and MR Shah has reiterated that when the main judgment of the

IPAB’S Non Provision to appeal to Supreme Court
The applicants of all Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) can directly file a Special Leave Petition (SLP) before the Hon’ble Supreme Court against
Dismissal and withdrawal of SLP can’t be treated at par for the purpose of filing review petition in HC
Delhi High Court: An order passed by the Delhi High Court disposed off the preliminary objection to the maintainability of the review petition,