Decentralising Mineral Rights: A Step Towards Federalism or Regulatory Chaos?
by Atish Chakraborty* and Shaurya Kapoor**
by Atish Chakraborty* and Shaurya Kapoor**
While dealing with matters such as the present one, the Court must be conscious of the fact regarding the purpose and object of seeking such a caste certificate based on the mother’s social status, since the mother belongs to the reserved category.
“We come across many such cases where people in the locality oppose the move of the authorities to locate the TASMAC shop or IMFL shop or license for selling such IMFL and in respect of those objections given by the public, especially the women folk, the answer given by the authorities is that the Rule is not violated.”
Constitution of India — Arts. 32, 21, 14 and 226 — Writ petition by the victim challenging grant of remission or premature
The Court opined that both the contract teachers and the guest teachers are discharging same duties as they are teaching students in schools and thus, there is no difference between the contract teachers and the guest teachers.
The Court was of the view that both, the applicant in viewing the requirement of filing the appeal within six months as per S. 378(5) CrPC; and the respondents contending that the appeal should have been filed within sixty days as per S. 378(5), were equally incorrect.
The inordinate delay in finalization of the agency for conducting social audit does not appear to be in public interest, therefore, the Government is granted liberty to explore alternatives for appointing persons for conducting social audit.
Allahabad High Court said that it is not a question of payment for a single year, but the annuity has not been transferred to the temple in question for last four years
A pension of Rs. 500 to Rs. 900 per month is being given by the State Government to persons with disability, under the State sponsored Scheme Madhu Babu Pension Yojna as per their eligibility.
“It is also important to note that Kendriya Vidyalaya’s are not schools recognised under the Delhi School Education Act, 1973 or the rules made thereunder and these schools are not bound to follow local Acts and Regulations of every State.”
The petition was filed by an Advocate, challenging the appointment of Public Prosecutors / Additional Public Prosecutors in all District Courts within the territorial Jurisdiction of Madurai Bench.
The Calcutta High Court set aside the orders dated 17.10.2017 and the communication dated 28.11.2017 as the same is without jurisdiction, along with consequential steps taken by the West Bengal Housing Board.
ABOUT RGNUL The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the
If modern society does not acknowledge this vested right in a person, then it is only encouraging gender identity disorder syndrome
Allahabad high Court said that there is no plausible reason why the proposal made by the Institutional Service Board for striking down the word ‘unmarried’ occurring in Regulation 104 of Regulations 1975 could be turned down by the State Government.
by Siddharth R. Gupta†
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 53
The Court is concerned to safeguard the interest of public at large and to prevent the misuse of public money and the exploitation of natural resources in the interest of society and the common people, which has been caused due to laxity of the authority of the State Government and the Contractor.
The status report indicated the steps taken to bring normalcy to the law and order situation in the State, security measures taken for protecting religious places and details of relief camps.
Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 — Ss. 2(d), 9, 10, 11 and 18(a) — Demand towards premium of government