A Call for Gender-Sensitive Infrastructure in India’s Judicial System
by Mitali Srivastava* and Saibaa Ghazala**
by Mitali Srivastava* and Saibaa Ghazala**
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Cell of the School of Law and the International Relations and Foreign Policy Committee (IRFPC)
The challenge lies in harnessing the potential of rainwater harvesting systems and aligning sewer, drainage, and water storage systems to maximize the efficiency of rainwater utilization, regardless of the nature of the precipitation—be it excessive or intermittent.
Statutory warnings are intended to instill a sense of fear, but they have had very little effect on human attitudes and behaviour towards alcohol consumption. It is also a sorry state of affairs that persons under 21 years, who are specifically prohibited from drinking alcohol, are in fact addicted to it. Therefore, it is incumbent on the State Government to reduce alcohol dependence and addiction as a public health measure by restricting and effectively regulating its sale and consumption.