Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The appellants cannot seek condonation of such colossal delay under the pretext of professional misconduct of their previous counsel. It is not only the colossal length of delay; it is the unacceptable explanation of the delay, which must be discarded.

Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“If a person committing suicide is hypersensitive and the allegations attributed to the accused are otherwise not ordinarily expected to induce a similarly situated person to take the extreme step to commit suicide, it will be unsafe to hold the accused guilty of abetment of suicide.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is travesty of justice that an institution contributing for noble cause being that of running a charitable hospital on a public land and providing for sound research and treatment facilities has been made to suffer the rigors of cancellation of the Lease Deed and vacation of the property. Being a constitutional court and the conscience-keeper of the democracy, this Court cannot lend a blind eye when the ends of justice are being bulldozed in broad daylight.