private secretaries at delhi high court
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that there was no fault on the part of the appellants. It was because of the wrong marking at the relevant time that they were deprived of the appointments, and they were not placed in the merit list, and such was required to be corrected on the revision of the marks on re-evaluation.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court said that the seniority list was correctly published by interspacing those direct recruits who were eligible in the recruitment year 2009-10 and were appointed against the vacancies of the said year with 53 promotees who were promoted. However, it recommended a reference to a 5-judge bench for reconsideration.

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

[“In the present recruitment, females have succeeded in huge numbers, and it appears that unsuccessful male candidates are not able to cope up with the fact that females have overnumbered them in merit. It is an example of ‘male chauvinism’ which is unacceptable in twenty first century.”]