Case BriefsSupreme Court

“We are of the opinion that the order dated 15.03.2020* has served its purpose and in view of the changing scenario relating to the pandemic, the extension of limitation should come to an end.”

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Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Limitation for prosecution under Section 498-A1 of IPC does not continue for indefinite period as such interpretation will render Section 4682 of CrPC nugatory/otiose for the purpose of Section 498-A of IPC which does not appear to be the legislature’s intention.

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Section 29A of Arbitration Act
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Section 29A intends to ensure the timely completion of arbitral proceedings while allowing Courts the flexibility to grant extensions when warranted. Prescribing a limitation period, unless clearly stated in words or necessary, should not be accepted. Bar by limitation has penal and fatal consequences.”

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