Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Limitation seeks to prevent abuse of process by filing vexatious and belated prosecutions. However, at the same time, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (‘CrPC’) is not blind to the problems faced by litigants and provides for extension of the limitation period in certain cases under Section 4731 of the CrPC. Thus, CrPC also ensures that interests of bona fide complainants are not affected.”

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Arbitration Roundup 2024
Legal RoundUpTopic-wise Roundup

From the High Court’s clarification of the definition of “court” under the Arbitration Act to the Supreme Court’s recommendation for Parliament to introduce an amendment defining a specific limitation period for the appointment of arbitrators, several key rulings have shaped the arbitration landscape. This piece highlights the notable arbitration cases of 2024.

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Supreme Court Roundup November
Legal RoundUpSupreme Court Roundups

November 2024 saw significant developments in the Supreme Court, with the elevation of Justice Sanjiv Khanna as the 51st Chief Justice of India; and landmark rulings on material resources of the community and minority status of AMU.

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arbitrator appointment
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“While applying the principles of Order 23 Rule 1 of CPC to applications under Section 11(6) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, it must be kept in mind that it will act as a bar to only those applications which are filed subsequent to the withdrawal of a previous Section 11(6) application filed on the basis of the same cause of action.”

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