[CAA Protests] BCI passes resolution appealing people of the country to — Maintain Peace & Order

Bar Council of India passed a resolution on 22-12-2019 appealing the people of the country to maintain peace and harmony. The Lawyers, the

Bar Council of India passed a resolution on 22-12-2019 appealing the people of the country to maintain peace and harmony.

The Lawyers, the Bar Associations, State Bar Council, the students’ Associations of National Law Universities and all the Law Colleges should come forward, take active and positive steps to ensure that the Law and order is maintained throughout the country.

Resolution, asks the above-said to try convincing people and the common-man to enhance the feelings of brotherhood in the society.

People involved in violence should be brought to the notice of administration.

Bar requests the leaders of the Bar and young students to convince the people and the illiterate ignorant mass, who are being misled by some so-called leaders (for serving their own political ambitions) the matter with regard to Citizenship Amendment Act is under consideration of Supreme Court, therefore everyone should await the decision of Apex Court.

The damage to public or private properties, the attack on our Policeofficial/personnel or the defence personnel are very serious issues. The legal fraternity and their bodies cannot tolerate any attack on or humiliation of our forces.

Bar expressed solidarity with the police and Armed forces.

Bar Council of India

[Press Release dt. 22-12-2019]

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